A second client side patch was released late Friday night for both MP and SP with a size of just a couple MB each. For many this was not the patch that they were hoping for to really fix performance issues but it is a start. A lot of problems can’t be fixed in a fast patch – which is what everyone wanted. For things to really be fixed it is unfortunately going to take some time.
For myself running a Core i7 860 and a GTX260 I really haven’t had any performance issues other than the first few days with the mis-configured MAXRATE setting. However, now with this patch I have had numerous solid freezes that require the three finger salute (Control+Alt+Delete) to get me out of the game and sadly this is also happening to others who had no issues before this patch. So now the performance issues that some have been facing since day one that weren’t solved with this patch still need to be addressed but now performance issues that have been caused by this patch need to be addressed. Two steps forward and one step backwards it seems.
[fancy_link link=http://www.callofdutyview.net/articles/codblack-ops-patch-history/]View the full COD:Black Ops Patch History page here[/fancy_link]
[fancy_header]Multiplayer Update[/fancy_header]
- CPU performance improvements
- Server browser bug fixes and tweaks to populate faster and do full refresh less often
- Fixed crash when viewing leaderboards if player has more than 99 friends
- Fix for locked ADS after pressing shift-TAB to bring up Steam overlay
- Fix for ADS while holding shift as a sniper
[fancy_header]Single Player Update[/fancy_header]
- CPU performance improvements
- Zombie matchmaking improvements
- Fix for locked ADS after pressing shift-TAB to bring up Steam overlay
- Fix for ADS while holding shift as a sniper