Take a step back in time with COD:WAW and the classic map pack by Cornrow Wallace!
Cornrow Wallace has released the BETA of his latest mapping project including maps from past Call of Duty titles including Bocage from COD, Brecourt from COD & COD2, Hurtgen from COD and Saint-Lo from COD:UO and the German Front Mod totally redesigned for COD:WAW with awesome new graphics, sounds and details.
You can download the map pack here on CODV at the link below and you can also take a look at CW’s blog to get more download links or better yet – servers that are running the map pack.
[fancy_link link=”http://www.callofdutyview.net/downloads/codwaw-classic-map-pack/”]Download on CODV[/fancy_link]
[fancy_link link=”http://cornrowwallace.blogspot.com/2011/02/call-of-duty-world-at-war-classic-map_28.html”]http://cornrowwallace.blogspot.com[/fancy_link]