It seems that Treyarch is definitely trying to push out updates at a little faster pace now because overnight another patch was pushed out to Steam and Game Servers bumping the game up to version 1.06. Unfortunately this update still doesn’t include any real gameplay improvements as it seems there are still plenty of bugs to get worked out and the next patch (version 1.07) should actually include those and by Treyarch’s works that patch is already in the works and should be out soon. Soon can’t come soon enough to get features and changes that consoles have been playing with since January 25th. Absolutely rediculous that the PC community gets gameplay changes over a month after the consoles but then again when the game is released with so many issues for the PC platform things in the game need to be fixed before the game can be improved.

[fancy_link link=]View the full COD:Black Ops Patch History page here[/fancy_link]


  • Backward compatibility for films created before Patch 1.05
  • Issues with weapon purchases after prestiging in some cases.
  • Leaving a server and joining a different server, could briefly show the Map of the previous server.
  • Duplicate player name on a server now becomes playername+slotnumber instead of ‘Unknown Soldier’.
  • During a ‘Demolition’ match, the ‘Auto-balancing teams’ options may cause a ‘Defender’ player to respawn with a ‘Bomb’ icon in his inventory.
  • Minor Shader Warming speed increase.
  • One In The Chamber no longer counts democlient as a live player.
  • 16x AA menu option for compatible graphics cards.
  • Additional Stability improvements.


Stay tuned for more information on what should be coming for the next 1.07 patch that should include a decent amount of game changes. Hopefully…