Welcome to the new callofdutyview.net. The website started out as just a basic map review place and game feedback website a number of years ago but now I have a little bigger interest in getting more content on it so I have just converted my basic HTML site to a more in depth WordPress CMS website. So right now the website is a work in progress and you will have to bear with me as I gather my free time, finish up & tweak the design and then get some content flowing. This domain has been sitting here pretty inactive for a number of years and it is about time I put it to good use. Check back soon for…


  • Call of Duty news and important tidbits
  • Guides & FAQ
  • Media including screenshots & videos
  • Links to all the major resources for Call of Duty
  • A few popular & important downloads like patches and utilities
  • My general ramblings & opinions about everything COD
